EUGENE M. CONNOR POST #193 HISTORY On a warm summer day in Winchendon on August 24th, 1919 fifteen former Winchendon servicemen got together and completed an application for a local unit or post in the American Legion. These men applied based on the Provisions of Constitution adopted at the St. Louis Caucus from May 8th - May 10th, 1919.They applied under the following two articles:ARTICLE VITHE LOCAL UNIT The local unit shall be termed the post. which shall have a minimum membership of fifteen. No post shall be received into this organization until it shall have received a charter. A post desiring a charter shall apply to the State Organization and the charter shall be issued by the National Executive Committee whenever recommended by the State Organization. The National Executive Committee shall not issue a charter in the name of any living person.ARTICLE IIMEMBERSHIP All persons shall be eligible to membership in this organization who were in the military or naval service of the United States during the period between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918, both dates inclusive, and all persons who served in the military or naval services of any of the governments associated with the United States during the World War, provided that they were citizens of the United States at the time of their enlistment and are again citizens at the time of application, except also those persons who seperated from the service under terms amounting to dishonorable discharge, and except also those persons who refused to perform their military duties on the ground of conscientious or political objection.The application was submitted to J.FJ. Herbert State Chairman of the American Legion State of Massachusetts by the following fifteen Winchendon veterans of WWI:1) Henry Heidel2) Francis St. Pierre3) Edward C. Newton4) Joseph R. Foumier5) Donald A. McGregor7) Henry D. Hildreth8) Rutherford D. Ballard9) Chester A. Mann10) Oscar L. LaFortune11) A. Russell Tout12) Richard E. Chard13) Elliott I. Gregory14) Louis K. Cross15) L. J. GuilfoydThe charter was received on September 4th, 1919 and the post name was "Winchendon" Post in the State of Mass and was assigned number 193.The membership later applied for the Post to be named after a Winchedon resident killed in action and they received this charter on August 10th, 1920 and the post was then renamed to Eugene M. Connor Post.The charter was signed by Edward L. Logan Dept. Commander, Leo A. Spillane Dept. Adjutant, Franklin D'Olier National Commander and Lemirel Bolles National Adjutant.The first post facility was located on the second floor of a large block located on Central Street. The building was called the IOOF Building or the Odd Fellows building. The Legion was located above the Western Auto Store and next to Abbotts Optometrists and Jewelry. The post remained at this location until the membership raised enough money along with a loan to purchase the land and to build the current building located at 295 School Street, the conerstone for the building was laid in 1957.Since that time an addition was put on to the original building which increased the size of the dance/banquet hall to hold 350 people and it added another meeting room or banquet hall for 100 people or less.Later improvements include increasing the cpacity of the members lounge and bar as well as another addition to house a three floor stop elevator for the physically challenged who can no longer manage the post stairways. Along with the elevator the post upgraded the rest rooms to standards required by any handicap individuals that want to participate in any functions.The entire building recently was upgraded with a new fire alarm and evacuation system including smoke and heat detectors and due to the State mandate because of the tragic fire in Rhode Island the post installed a sprinkler system throughout the entire facility.Besides the members lounge which is locked by a door access system the entire building is SMOKE FREE, smoking is only allowed in designated areas.The post also had a Softball field for men's softball but due to lack of use the entire field and surrounding area has been turned over to the youth of the town, and the field is now managed by the Winchedon Little League for their use explicitly, but is still owned by the American Legion.AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS
A Women's Auxiliary of Eugene M. Connor Post 193 was formed. The Winchendon Legion has every reason to be proud of its Auxiliary and the work it not only does for the post but also the citizens and youth of the Town of Winchendon. Auxiliary members are always anxious and willing to cooperate in every Legion activity.A Son's of the American Legion Squadron was also formed in Winchendon several years ago and is one of the largest squadrons in the State. The Son's assist the Legion in fund raising activities as does the regular Legionnaires assist the Son's with their activities. The Son's not only provide the local High School graduates with scholarships but also donate money to the post for the many needed post improvements.
MEMORIAL DAY has always been celebrated in this community. In addition to memorial events scheduled for the day, on Saturday the Legion with the assistance of the local scouts place a flag to decorate the grave of every veteran of any of the wars of the country on this National Holiday. Today, jointly with Winchendon's Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2158 this tradition is being carried on. If one might attempt to prophecy, in an historical account, veteran organizations will carry on this tradition to its last man to keep MEMORIAL DAY sacred to the memory of our war dead.ARMISTICE DAY, now called VETERANS' DAY, originally marked the end of fighting in World War One. It is an important holiday on the calendar of Legionnaires everywhere and in the hearts of all veterans. It has been in Winchendon. Annually the Post has sponsored the Armistice Day Ceremonies. An important tradition was established when the Post led in the memorial exercises at 11 o'clock on the morning of November 11, marking the exact hour of the cessation of hostility on the war fronts. Today, together with the Ladies Auxiliary, Son's of the Legion, VFW Post 2158 members, cub scouts, boy scouts, and girl scouts solemnly observe this tradition.
A Women's Auxiliary of Eugene M. Connor Post 193 was formed. The Winchendon Legion has every reason to be proud of its Auxiliary and the work it not only does for the post but also the citizens and youth of the Town of Winchendon. Auxiliary members are always anxious and willing to cooperate in every Legion activity.
MEMORIAL DAY has always been celebrated in this community. In addition to memorial events scheduled for the day, on Saturday the Legion with the assistance of the local scouts place a flag to decorate the grave of every veteran of any of the wars of the country on this National Holiday. Today, jointly with Winchendon's Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2158 this tradition is being carried on. If one might attempt to prophecy, in an historical account, veteran organizations will carry on this tradition to its last man to keep MEMORIAL DAY sacred to the memory of our war dead.
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